The Daughter is the goddess of Gender, tenacity, of dance and of dusk. Rather than slithering into her gendered position in the world, contained in the body corset she was once encased in, the fluid movement of her body breaks away from expectation and is in a constant state of flux. Her movement pulls connected strings that conjure the magic of the forest at dusk, her loyalty to individual identity pulls effect into broader environmental structures. She sees herself as more than just a human body, she transcends the flesh that binds her and sees herself as a resilient spirit, and her defiance gives others permission to do the same.
The Daughter, Digital Painting Still, Enrique Agudo, 2020

B Gosse (@hello_bgosse) is The Daughter

A garden of delicate curiosities.

A sisterhood in nature, together in fight

Elements that pull from the strings and put the system in motion for structural change.